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Online Help - DaHRTs Program Overview

This seems like a good spot to make an important point. DaHRTs System2 is (I hope) a working and useful Program.

It was also written for fun. If it is useful to you, I am pleased. But the reason for spending time writing this program was in order to learn how to use C# and Dotnet.

It would be perfectly valid to ask questions as to what kind of person writes Computer Programs for FUN ... whatever your opinion on that ... I plead guilty (but with mitigating circumstances)

Whilst on this subject, I have been asked why this program is a WinForms App rather than Presentation Foundation. The short answer is that when I started writing DaHRTs System2 I only had a copy of Visual C# 2005 Express, and DOTnet 2.0 and with no internet connection to download anything more recent ... so you could say that at the time I had one of those 'Lemons and Lemonade' things going on. Suffice it to say, IF I write a system 3 it will be under WPF. (When I've learnt how to use it)


But it really WAS written for fun...

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DaHRTs System 2's Functionality can be looked at from three different perspectives.

  • 1. Program Offering Onscreen Reminders of Pending Events
  • 2. Diary Generator with DaHRT Info Printed on each page
  • 3. A Combination of the two

How you choose to use DaHRTs is entirely up to you.

Some people may choose to use the program only as a Function available on their computer. In this instance DaHRTs will provide a running reminder of Pending Events on its main interface screen, in addition, when an event falls due the program can be set-up to deliver an audible reminder along with an onscreen 'Bubble' giving details of which event is due.

Others may prefer to run the program infrequently ... just long enough to Print a Diary for the next month/quarter/year that contains all the information on each page as to which events will be due on a daily basis.

Its also possible that some (myself included) will choose to do both of these things.

To look at what DaHRTs can offer in the round ...

if you choose to run the program every time you switch on your Computer, DaHRTs will offer onscreen Reminders of Pending events, and (via the VIEW option) a summary of future events.

The program can be configured to tuck itself away in the Task Bar SysTray and only interrupt you when it has information to pass on. Further, through the 'User Preferences' option, You can choose the colour scheme of the program (which by default is - a Pleasing and easy on the eye - Black on Lightsteelblue). If you want Pink text on a lime green background ... have at it.

You, the user, can also choose whether to show either the date and/or time on the main interface screen, and also control how often DaHRTs will check itself to discover whether an event is due.

If you wish to run DaHRTs all the time your Computer is switched on, you might want to copy the DaHRTs Shortcut from the JuliX Folder in the programs Menu to the Startup Folder. This will ensure that DaHRTs starts every the computer is switched on. You might also consider (via the User Preferences option) Having the program Start Automatically minimized to the Systray since once you have set up the DaHRT Info there is very little to look at when DaHRTs System 2 is running.

For those who perhaps do not use their computer everyday (Do such people really exist?) perhaps the DaHRTs Diary Function may be of interest.

Having entered all the relevant information into the program with regard to T-Blocker (if you are pre-op) or Estrogen Dosage, or any necessary BP Testing, and, (assuming you are Post-op) Your own personal Dilation Schedule, You can use the DaHRTs Diary Printer Functions.

This will give you a Diary (Short Form = 1 month per page - Long Form = 1 week per page) printout with all the events due each day already pre-printed on every page.

Possibly, the best strategy is a combination of the two methods outlined above.

Have DaHRTs available all the time your computer is switched on, but also have a hard copy printed Diary to help you keep track of which events need to be attended to today.

Thankyou for taking time to download and Install DaHRTs on your computer. If you wish to offer a comment as to the programs useability/usefulness (whether negative or positive) please feel free to do so. Just email me